Sunday, 28 September 2008

Back from Lake Yojoa...with some Salmonella.

Runs aside, I had a fabulous weekend adventure that took me to the biggest lake (surrouded by massive mountians) in Honduras. Here me and the volunteers hiked to this honkin' huge waterfall (Pullapanzak Waterfall - which was supposedly even bigger due to all the recent rain), where the brave linked arms and crossed through underneath. I, however, was not one of the brave (after almost losing a shoe in mud along the way and nearly slipping off of a jagged cliff, I realized I wasn't about to risk my life for a I got them out of my system after living in Hawaii). So instead, I plopped myself down on the sturdiest looking rock and took in the gorgeous views, cooling mist and roaring falls. After, we all hiked back to the park's eating area for some nibbles, where some young locals (18 years old max!) decided to hit on all the female volunteers. Despite their admirable persistence, the chicos' advances were shot down every time. It was hilarious.

That night we all stayed at D&D's Micro Brewery, a collection of clean and cosy huts amidst finely kept gardens. And like the name implies, it also brews some fruity and tasty bevies - my favourite being the mango beer. My not-so-favourite menu item would have to be the chicken strips (a poor choice even without the food poisoning, but I really wanted something other than beans and rice). Me and a couple of the other volunteers indulged in this deadly dish...and suffered immensely that night. :(

I thankfully made it back safe and sound (after some immodium, a long couple of bus rides and then getting stuck in an insane rain storm, which had me seek shelter in a pulperia near my homestay) and am now in my dry pjs with a hot cup of chamomile tea...bliss.

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